Welcome to the book tour for Wendy L. Anderson's latest novel, Ulrik!
Available on Amazon About the Author Wendy L. Anderson is a Colorado native and mother of two boys. She has an English Degree from Regis University and writes books, short stories and poetry. Wendy is a devout reader of the classics, fantasy, sci-fi and historical fiction. She has decided it is time to write down the fantasies from her own mind. Writing about everything from fantastical worlds to the stuff of her dreams she takes her stories along interesting paths while portraying characters and worlds she sees in her mind’s eye. Her goal is to deviate from common themes, write in original directions and transport her reader to the worlds of her creation.Ulrik sat on the bank of a cool stream that ran down the mountain where he usually hunted. He watched as the water trickled over smooth rocks and sprayed the moss-lined bank. Down the mountainside, the stream narrowed and was eventually joined by another river, widening to become a rushing, roaring froth of cold, crystal blue water flowing swiftly over rapids. His gaze followed the stream as it meandered off into the distance and gently widened into a deep slow-moving river. He listened to the different sounds the water made. The roar, as it cascaded down the waterfall further uphill, to the trickle of the stream over moss-covered rocks, and finally the faint pounding of distant rapids. The forest was raucous with sound and full of breath-taking sights.
The forest’s majesty was lost on him today. Ulrik was bored. He reached for a stone and tossed it into the stream then stood, grabbed his spear, and walked up the hill toward the lake at the bottom of the waterfall. He decided he had better find something for his supper and thought fish sounded as good as anything else.
Memories swamped him as he recalled all the times he had fished with his brothers as a young man. Those thoughts led him to contemplate, for the hundred thousandth time, his current solitary situation. By his count, it had been around two years that he lived alone in these mountains in this strange place. Being banished by the Gods he knew, enraged him and his loneliness made him feel like less of a man. Two years without speaking to another soul or without seeing another human’s face made him angry. He cursed, kicking at a stone in his path. The stone shot forward, struck a tree, and fell uselessly to the ground.
“By Odin and all the gods! I wish I had a woman!”
He cursed out loud and continued stomping up the path until he came to his usual fishing spot at the lakeside. He hefted his spear and waded into the lake, not even bothering to remove his boots.
The warm spring wind blew across his face. As he had a hundred times before, Ulrik stood still, slowed his breathing, and searched the deep emerald depths for the flicker of a silvery tail. Quick as lightning he stabbed down and, wrenching his arm back, pulled an impaled fish out of the water. He grasped the wriggling tail, pulled it from the spear blade, and threw it to the bank of the lake where it flopped, struggling to breathe as its life leached away.
Wendy L. Anderson | Facebook | Instagram | Goodreads
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March 15th
Reads & Reels (Spotlight) http://readsandreels.com
Books Rambling and Tea (Guest Post) https://booksramblingsandtea.com/
Phantom of the Library (Review) https://phantomofthelibrary.com/
March 16th
Breakeven Books (Spotlight) https://breakevenbooks.com
Nesie’s Place (Spotlight) https://nesiesplace.wordpress.com
Bonnie Reads and Writes (Review) https://bonniereadsandwrites.wordpress.com/
Jessica Belmont (Review) https://jessicabelmont.wordpress.com/
March 17th
@brendajeancombs (Spotlight) https://www.instagram.com/brendajeancombs/
Dark Whimsical Art (Review) https://www.darkwhimsicalart.com/blogs/news
Lunarian Press (Review) https://www.lunarianpress.com/
March 18th
Sophril Reads (Spotlight) http://sophrilreads.wordpress.com
The Faerie Review (Spotlight) http://www.thefaeriereview.com
Book Dragons Not Worms (Review) https://bookdragonsnotworms.blogspot.com/?m=1
March 19th
@bookishkelly2020 (Spotlight) https://www.instagram.com/BookishKelly2020/
Inked & Blonde (Review) https://inkedandblonde.blogspot.com/
The Magic of Wor(l)ds (Spotlight) http://themagicofworlds.wordpress.com
Blog Tour Organized By: R&R Book Tours